Alumni Perspectives: Building a Better Cameroon Through Responsibility

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Youth: Maturity and Responsibility for the Consolidation of Peace, Security, Economic Growth, and Democratic Process

By Mbuyongha Clovis Yuh, Level 2 Pharmacy Student (University of Douala)

In celebration of National Youth Day, Mbuyongha Clovis Yuh, an alumnus of Jumpstart Academy Africa and a Level 2 Pharmacy student at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Douala, passionately reflects on the role of youth in driving positive change. His powerful message urges young people to embrace maturity and responsibility for the betterment of Cameroon and the world.

Youths!!! The future of Cameroon. We as youths are called to an awareness of the consequences of our decisions and activities.

We have decided to be comfortable with doing nothing; we have been confined to a world of entertainment. No youth wants to pick up the leading staff; no youth wants to leave the era in which they are pampered to that in which they will be warriors.

We youths must pick up the leading strands. We must not close our mouths and watch our destinies being trampled upon. We must accept our fate, give up immaturity, and embrace responsibility. Irrespective of our leaders, the society of Cameroon needs youths who love themselves, their families, and their neighbors, as well as their society in general.

Watching youths hide and lose their talents, culture, morals, and destinies to mere pleasures that only place our society on a declining curve enrages our ancestors in their graves.

Yes!!! To active youths ✊🏾 Yes!!! To visionary youths ✊🏾 Yes!!! To a better Cameroon ✊🏾 Yes!!! To a better world ✊🏾

Mbuyongha Clovis Yuh is an alumnus of Jumpstart Academy Africa and a Level 2 Pharmacy student at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Douala. Clovis is passionate about youth leadership and societal transformation. Through his writing, he seeks to inspire young people to step into leadership roles and create a better future for themselves and their communities.